Ken Mayer [dBVIPS]
2008-09-13 20:31:03 UTC
Does anyone know of a beautify program for dBase 2.61. I am basically looking for a way to capitalize the control statements in my code. Such as : if,endif,for,loop. Ideally, I would like a table of keywords that I can use to run against my code. Is there any existing code that can re-create a prg or wfm file and perform the conversions ?
I haven't heard of anything. If you want something that you couldprobably modify, check the dUFLP, though. There's an AppDoc application
in there that documents an application by looking for specific words.
The concept wouldn't be too difficult to modify, I would think.
/(Opinions expressed are purely my own, not those of dataBased
Intelligence, Inc.)/
*Ken Mayer* [dBVIPS]
/Golden Stag Productions/
dBASE at goldenstag dot net