Claus Mygind
2008-11-26 13:05:17 UTC
I use the code below to assemble a string of values. I separate each value
with the ; so my receiving app can quickly disect the values into an array.
My problem is this, the last value is always returned with the \n\r
attached. Now I can just strip it out like I do with the last ; (see last
line of code below). But I am intrested in knowing why it happens?
do while not q.rowset.endOfSet
responseText += trim( c['phasecode'].value )+";"
responseText = subStr( responseText, 1, ( rat(";",
responseText)-1 ) )
with the ; so my receiving app can quickly disect the values into an array.
My problem is this, the last value is always returned with the \n\r
attached. Now I can just strip it out like I do with the last ; (see last
line of code below). But I am intrested in knowing why it happens?
do while not q.rowset.endOfSet
responseText += trim( c['phasecode'].value )+";"
responseText = subStr( responseText, 1, ( rat(";",
responseText)-1 ) )