Huge performance difference IDE & Runtime
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Jan Hoelterling
2008-10-20 12:47:32 UTC
I have a simple form with an editor control in which I display release notes
for the current program version.

In the IDE, it opens in 1.06 seconds, in the Runtime, it takes 9.43 seconds
(and that's on a faster computer).

Instantiation of the form is very fast in either case, at about 0.1 seconds.

Any idea what could be causing this and how I can get around it?

Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

2008-10-20 16:01:10 UTC
WOW, you were right on! I had put some html tags into the text, as soon as I
took these out, the form opens in 0.2 seconds.
Glad it helped you. I remember that I had the same problem in a similar
situation several years back, and because I felt I *needed* the coloured
tags and the bold sequences I reverted to displaying an *.rtf which was
a bit faster.
Jan Hoelterling
2008-10-20 14:50:41 UTC
Plain text?
Probably not... then try using a version with plain text instead and
analyse if the delay is still the same.
WOW, you were right on! I had put some html tags into the text, as soon as I
took these out, the form opens in 0.2 seconds.

Thanks, Andre!

Bruce Beacham
2008-10-23 07:42:48 UTC
Plain text?
Probably not... then try using a version with plain text instead and
analyse if the delay is still the same.
WOW, you were right on! I had put some html tags into the text, as soon as I
took these out, the form opens in 0.2 seconds.
Sounds like a bug, but I would test that on a dual runtime / IDE
installation on one machine before submitting it.

An alternative is that on the "faster" machine PLUS is looking for all
the printers, or at least the default printer, before loading, and
having some difficulty with that; co-incidentally the printers may
already be in place at the time you try your app with the text tags removed.

Bruce Beacham
Geoff Wass [dBVIPS]
2008-10-24 03:47:44 UTC
Plain text?
Probably not... then try using a version with plain text instead and
analyse if the delay is still the same.
WOW, you were right on! I had put some html tags into the text, as soon as I
took these out, the form opens in 0.2 seconds.
Thanks, Andre!

You should let Marty know in dbase.bug-reports. Thanks.
Geoff Wass [dBVIPS]
Montréal, Québec, Canada

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2008-10-20 14:42:29 UTC
Post by Jan Hoelterling
Any idea what could be causing this and how I can get around it?
Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
Plain text?
Probably not... then try using a version with plain text instead and
analyse if the delay is still the same.