Ken Mayer [dBVIPS]
2008-10-25 04:14:21 UTC
Is there a way to tell if the bardataedit1.bitmapfilter button is actively filtering a table from a form? I would like to place a notice on a form that the table is being filtered, but I can't find a way to tell if the filter is active or has been cleared, other than knowing that I just set or cleared the filter.
if form.rowset.filter # null// the filter property of the rowset will have something in it if
// there is a filter in action.
// Also, you could check the rowset's STATE property: if it is 4,
// then the rowset is being filtered.
/(Opinions expressed are purely my own, not those of dataBased
Intelligence, Inc.)/
*Ken Mayer* [dBVIPS]
/Golden Stag Productions/
dBASE at goldenstag dot net